Our Club is based in our club rooms located in Grantham Street, Hamilton, overlooking the Waikato River and adjacent to one of the city’s boat ramps and is available for hire.

Monthly meetings are held as social events and to give members the chance to meet and pry secrets from outside experts. Prior to these meetings a ‘magazine’ is posted to members to help keep them informed of upcoming events, club issues and members’ antics.

Our club is affiliated with the New Zealand Sport Fish Council and the International Game Fish Association. This gives members the ability to enter other affiliated club’s tournaments, requestcourtesy weigh-in’s, access to other affiliated club’s facilities and much more.

Members freely admit to a diverse range of sport fishing interests: hard-core marlin hunters, successful light tackle tacticians and bottom-bouncing boaties.

Many members frequent the west coast waters out from Raglan and so the weigh-station is located at the rear of the Raglan Club premises allowing for easy parking and weighing of fish.



Key activities on the calendar include the organisation andrunning of the Raglan One Base Fishing Competition. Thecompetition is run over three days (Thursday –Saturday), attracts a large number of entries and allows fishos the chance to win some decent prizes.

To cater for the more family orientated members the Club offers the Coromandel Family Fishing Competition, which is based at the Shelly Beach Motor Camp, Coromandel. Although prizes areoffered for a range of ‘catches’, more emphasis is placed onparticipation and having a good time!

For more information on our club please contact our President or Secretary.

Shelley Beach Family Fishing Weekend - Kids Prize Giving